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Answers - November 2010 - Page 1:

Tam in Tampa Bay
Dear Drew, Someday far, far off, will will be passed down to the next generation of Drew's? And also, is there such thing as baby onesies? I heard someone just had a baby and thought it'd make a great gift :)
Tam in Tampa Bay, My greatest accomplishment in my entire life is this website. Considering that I have accomplished practically everything that is humanly possibly in existence; that is quite the statement. So taking in to account the pride I have for this digital circus we call, my answer is yes; I hope to someday pass this down to my offspring. Of course we have to cross our fingers that one of them will be named Drew, otherwise the website will be pretty obsolete after my death. So assuming one of my illegitimate children come out a Drew, this site will live on forever. And if you are in the market for onesies, just check out our Official ADN Store using the T-shirt link at the right. We have everything a baby needs to poop their pants in style...poop not included.
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Needle Dick in New Jersey
Dear Drew, Do you love your Justin Bieber hair as much as I do?
Needle Dick in New Jersey, Yes, I do love my Justin Bieber hair. Now, I'm not 100% sure who Justin Bieber is, probably because I'm not a 10 year old girl like yourself. Not that their is anything wrong with being a 10 year old girl, it's just disturbing that being a Needle Dick like yourself coincides with that female classification. Nonetheless, I appreciate your bringing my hair style to my attention. It has inspired me to make a change; in the future please keep an eye out for my next style: The Rick Astley. I'm never gonna give you up Needle Dick...never.
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Needle Dick in New Jersey
I'm almost eleven not ten years old. My needle dick is the only self-sufficient above ground aquifer that all the Justin Bieber fans drink from...if they know what's good for them; so drink some of the Needledick Bieber Kool-aid I dare ya.

On the Run in Rome
I was wondering if you knew of any kids CD's available that the child I abducted from the dollar tree could rock out to?
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Robin R. Svoboda
You are funny as hell....;-)

Seller in Socorro
Dear Drew, I am a business owner and really want to try to increase my sales through superior customer service. How can I really make the shopping experience great for my customers?
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