A Question from Hot for Drew's a*s & c*ck

Hot for Drew's a*s & c*ck
Dear Drew,
I'm still in love with you...can we meet for a sex filled weekend? I'll bet you have a hairy a*s and I'm so into rimjobs. Please post a clue of where we can get it on you sexy hunk.
Hot for Drew's a*s & c*ck, Thanks so much for your invitation for random adult relations. I try to always accommodate the requests of our fans...and this one is no different! The only thing I must ask is that you first pour your sexy love all over my employees, Kevin and Garrett. They are both in desperate need of some physical companionship and would probably let you do just about anything to them. So as long as you are willing to throw them both a bone...literally...I will gladly oblige your request.


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