A Question from Grandma in McDonald Land

Grandma in McDonald Land
Dear Drew, Old McDonald sitting on a bench; hitting his meat with a monkey wrench.mmMissed his meat and hit his balls. Ran through the kitchen ran so fast, stuck his di*ck up Grandmas a*s! Grandma said God bless your soul get your di*k out my a*shole! If you were Old McDonald and hit you balls would you stick your di*k up Grandma's butt hole?
Grandma in McDonald Land, Ummmm.....well....I guess if I were in a situation where I hit my balls with a monkey wrench, I would probably refrain from sticking my genitals in a grandmother's bum. While I believe that everyone has their own interests and hobbies, I would have to say that your interest in geriatric enemas is a bit disturbing. But that is what we like here at AskDrewNow.com. So tell us about your strange retirement home experiences and we will post the best ones here on the site! Who knows, we may even shoot a video answer to your most disgusting and degrading story...we tend to do that. Keep 'em coming our depraved friend!


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