A Question from Me in Mexico

Me in Mexico
What do you do if you have things growing on your pee pee. Like little circle things?
Me in Mexico, The first thing you need to do is immediately stop hanging out with the ladies down at the docks. They may be cheap and can do dirty things to you that no one will discuss, but they really do carry "the gift that keeps on giving." Next, get yourself a container of bleach, put in a copy of "Tiger Woods' Favorite Holes" on DVD and get to whacking and dipping. The more excited you get the more your sores will open up and let that healing bleach in. Do this three or four times a day for the next thirteen years and your johnson will be smooth and shiny in no time. That burning means it's working....*AskDrewNow.com in no way condones putting your genitals in bleach. However, having sex with ocean dock hookers is absolutely required*


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