A Question from Freckle Face in Fragglerock

Freckle Face in Fragglerock
I was wondering how to get all the freckles off of my face and ovaries?
Freckle Face in Fragglerock, While I have never had freckles myself (gross, who would want freckles) I have helped several of my friends get rid of them. The freckles on your face can easily be removed with a solution of grape juice, Neosporin, and bleach. Just be careful, the grape juice can really burn. As for your ovaries, I would say that your best approach would be to get pregnant with some sort of demon-monster baby. I have to admit, I'm not really sure how one becomes pregnant with a demon-monster baby, but if you can figure that out I'm sure it will take care of your freckles and your ovaries (in their entirety) in no time. Freckles....gross.


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