A Question from Dunkman in Dunkerville

Dunkman in Dunkerville
Sometimes when I get really mad at my dad I get so angry that I jump up to dunk a basketball and actually hit my knees on the rim. Can you guys do that? I friggen hate that crap.
Dunkman in Dunkerville, Wow, I'm not sure where to begin. First, I would stop playing one-on-one with your dad. Those pats on the butt have actually become a bit too sexual. Second, you need to raise your basketball hoop a bit higher than the 2 feet you currently have it at. If your hoop says "Playskool" on it you may want to invest in a new one. And last, yes, we do have that problem all of the time. We regularly play hoops and I am always dunking on Melvin Dizzle. He may look tall, but he can't even jump over a credit card. Keep an eye out for one of our intense b-ball games coming soon!


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