A Question from Confused in Tatoine

Confused in Tatoine
How is Fox News still on the air?
Confused in Tatoine, The only reason a channel like Fox News can continue to exist is it has thrived at being able to dumb itself down to to the level of its target audience. The average IQ of a viewer of Fox News is less than 24 so we are lucky those people can even wipe themselves. But alas, the world is full of simple minded people and until we find a way to get them to all read a book that isn't the Bible, we will continue to have Fox News. I'm just waiting for the day when Glen Beck actually gives birth to Bill O'Reilly's baby and the next great Jewish carpenter is born...what a glorius day that will be. YOU KNOW WHAT, F*CK IT, WE'LL DO IT LIVE.


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