A Question from Jackass from Jamaica

Jackass from Jamaica
Dear Drew, My cousin is being a total moron, what do you propose is the best form of torture? Please explain is graphic detail.
Jackass from Jamaica, My advice is to...now I know this is harsh and shouldn't be done to any normal person...but in your extreme situation I would make your cousin....watch Dr. Phil on a loop for 36 hours. Let's face it, only the most simple minded and socially inept people enjoy watching Dr. Phil so to the other 99% of the population it is absolute torture. Intelligent people do not listen to fake doctors. So, assuming you and your cousin have more than a first grade education, watching Dr. Phil is the worst kind of punishment I can imagine. But be careful, he has been known to inspire idiocy, moronic behavior, and simple minded thinking for everyone that has ever been cursed enough to have to listen to him speak. Proceed with caution on such punishment...it can lead to permanent brain damage.


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