A Question from Crock Pot in Clay Center

Crock Pot in Clay Center
You talk about Harvard, NE a lot in your videos. I have never been there is this a hot spot I should be visiting? Do they have a Six Flags there?
Crock Pot in Clay Center, While we do seem to bring up Harvard in several of our videos, to be completely honest, I have never even been there. The buzz around the water cooler at the AskDrewNow.com studios is that it is one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world. We hope to charter a flight there in the very near future to showcase the town in all of it's glory to America. I don't believe they have a Six Flags, but I know for a fact they sponser a lawn mower racing circuit. Yeah...I know...it sounds fantastic. Billy Joe Melvin would be proud.


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